I am proud to be the founder, President and CEO of Armada Corps, Inc.  This company began as a summer parade marching drum line.  We have grown over the last several years to include competitive indoor percussion, guard and winds groups.  We have expanded into offering educational groups like our mini, cadet and junior groups.  We’ve had the opportunity to perform for local sports, corporate events and grand openings. 

CapEd Credit Union reached out to Armada in hopes of our providing a July 4th Honor Marching Band for the summer of 2023.  We are proud to have had so many great high school and college musicians and guard participate in our first annual honor marching band.  

As we build toward the 2024 season, our plans include expanding.  We plan to add a World Class Guard and expand our Mini’s and Cadets.  We also plan on expanding our Rhythm Cadet program and offer the opportunity all year.  Our Indoor Competitive Circuit is expanding across the state of Idaho, offering more opportunity for scholastic and independent groups to perform.  Additionally, we are getting interest from groups in other states willing to travel to Idaho and participate.  

All this is possible thru the commitment of a phenomenal staff of volunteers.  We wouldn’t be able to offer any of these groups and educational opportunities without the support of volunteers, corporate partnerships, private donations, member participation and community support. 

Thank you to everyone that has helped us get to where we are and to those helping us build toward our future. 

Armada exists first and foremost, to provide a safe, educational and fun place for anyone interested in the arts.   

All of you make that possible.


Frank Mastropaolo

Executive Director

Armada Corps, Inc

Email: info@armadacorps.org